Back to Portland
(As soon as we got to Portland we had to go to Canada and back to renew my visa. What a complete pain in the arse. Stupid bloody bureaucratic immigration service. Stupid rude suspicious border control guy! So that was a long and expensive train journey for a bit of paper that cost me ten minutes and $6 to get. It was good to visit Hannah in Vancouver though.)
So after 9 states and something like 3000 miles, we finally got back to Portland. The most fantastic road trip ever! Pretty much the best end to the best year. After that we felt like spending a bit of time in Portland. The Hoyers were kind enough to offer their hospitality again (I stayed with the Hoyers over Christmas, they have a big house up in the hills), and we had the same attic room with the clear view of Mount Hood.

Plenty of Portland landmarks to catch up on: Powell's, The Pub at the End of the Universe, Hawthorne, Dots, the Horse Brass 'English pub', Papa Haydn's, Burgerville, Laurelhurst Park, the Bubble Bubble cafe. (The Dollar Scholar on Hawthorne: "Where you LEARN To Save".) We saw Emily, and Vas, and Sarah, and Joe, and my host family, but really not half as many people as we would have liked to see. We just ran out of time really. It was good getting back to beloved and familiar Portland after a month on the road, but sad knowing it was all ending for me soon, even though I was looking forward to getting back to England after an entire year. We spent a week doing exactly what we felt like doing and seeing our favourite bits of Portland.
And then I took a flight home, and getting on that plane was so awful I don't even want to talk about it.
So after 9 states and something like 3000 miles, we finally got back to Portland. The most fantastic road trip ever! Pretty much the best end to the best year. After that we felt like spending a bit of time in Portland. The Hoyers were kind enough to offer their hospitality again (I stayed with the Hoyers over Christmas, they have a big house up in the hills), and we had the same attic room with the clear view of Mount Hood.
Plenty of Portland landmarks to catch up on: Powell's, The Pub at the End of the Universe, Hawthorne, Dots, the Horse Brass 'English pub', Papa Haydn's, Burgerville, Laurelhurst Park, the Bubble Bubble cafe. (The Dollar Scholar on Hawthorne: "Where you LEARN To Save".) We saw Emily, and Vas, and Sarah, and Joe, and my host family, but really not half as many people as we would have liked to see. We just ran out of time really. It was good getting back to beloved and familiar Portland after a month on the road, but sad knowing it was all ending for me soon, even though I was looking forward to getting back to England after an entire year. We spent a week doing exactly what we felt like doing and seeing our favourite bits of Portland.
And then I took a flight home, and getting on that plane was so awful I don't even want to talk about it.