Reed is tough. Reed is mean. Reed makes you do a whole lot of work and sucks up your free time like an anteater sucks up ants. This is why I feel like, on the whole, I have not explored enough of happening downtown Portland as I could have. I have spent too much of my time trapped in the Reed bubble.
Well, as a step towards remedying that, Tim and I have explored some very nifty little Portland bars this last couple of nights. We followed some recommendations, we actually followed directions, we went to some places that we wouldn't have ended up at in the general course of things.
Last night we headed to Dots, a magnificent hipster bar with asymmetrically-coiffed bar staff, weird things on the walls, and baroque velvet wallpaper (strokeable). The lighting was low, the beer was local, they had cheesy chips. Oh, how i have subconsciously longed for cheesy chips... You don't know what you've got til it's gone, as Joni Mitchell once said (no doubt referring to bar food). We left the bar at closing time- bars close at 2:30am in Portland- and thus failed at getting a bus back. We tried to call a taxi until Tim's phone died mid-hold music, and then were miraculously rescued by a taxi driver while starting on the three and a half mile walk back to Reed. Which would've been unpleasant. Did I mention how cold it is right now? It's completely bloody freezing, FYI. Dots:

Tonight we went to The Basement, just off Hawthorne. This was a hipster bar posing as a dive bar, strangely enough. Dingy ambiance, dive vibe, but art on the walls and a Sopranos-themed pinball machine. There was supposed to be a pub quiz tonight, but no sign of that. Following the disappointing lack of quiz, we went to Angelo's on Hawthorne, recommended by A David, so it must be good (have I told you about A David? I will. That man is a Legend). Angelo's was alright, although I can't really imagine A David in that setting somehow. Next we went to Bar of the Gods, a block further down, which was also slightly hipsterish. The walls were painted black and there were glowing bunches of grapes hanging from the ceiling. They also had cheesy chips, which must be the food of choice for Portland's counterculture.
Well, as a step towards remedying that, Tim and I have explored some very nifty little Portland bars this last couple of nights. We followed some recommendations, we actually followed directions, we went to some places that we wouldn't have ended up at in the general course of things.
Last night we headed to Dots, a magnificent hipster bar with asymmetrically-coiffed bar staff, weird things on the walls, and baroque velvet wallpaper (strokeable). The lighting was low, the beer was local, they had cheesy chips. Oh, how i have subconsciously longed for cheesy chips... You don't know what you've got til it's gone, as Joni Mitchell once said (no doubt referring to bar food). We left the bar at closing time- bars close at 2:30am in Portland- and thus failed at getting a bus back. We tried to call a taxi until Tim's phone died mid-hold music, and then were miraculously rescued by a taxi driver while starting on the three and a half mile walk back to Reed. Which would've been unpleasant. Did I mention how cold it is right now? It's completely bloody freezing, FYI. Dots:
Tonight we went to The Basement, just off Hawthorne. This was a hipster bar posing as a dive bar, strangely enough. Dingy ambiance, dive vibe, but art on the walls and a Sopranos-themed pinball machine. There was supposed to be a pub quiz tonight, but no sign of that. Following the disappointing lack of quiz, we went to Angelo's on Hawthorne, recommended by A David, so it must be good (have I told you about A David? I will. That man is a Legend). Angelo's was alright, although I can't really imagine A David in that setting somehow. Next we went to Bar of the Gods, a block further down, which was also slightly hipsterish. The walls were painted black and there were glowing bunches of grapes hanging from the ceiling. They also had cheesy chips, which must be the food of choice for Portland's counterculture.
Okey dokey, so is that your new favourite bar?
Yup. Especially when someone good is playing. Like Boy Eats Drum Machine. Oh, and it's where The Decemberists played their super secret show a while back.
Soon I will make a website of all the places with the best reubens in Portland. Acme will be on it. So will Dot's. Micky Finns will not. Reubens are my new favorite sandwich. Yum-my.
Good to know!
Have you had the Reuben at Rose's on 23rd? Their version is world famous apparently. Maybe world famous in Portland.
Yes, definitely! Very good. Trouble is, you gotta brave trendy-third to get there. It's a bit much sometimes.
Hee, trendy-third. I know exactly what you mean. It's pretty to walk along though. I bet they have some truly sophisticated Christmas lights at the moment.
Indeed. The little white ones encircling all the trees poking out of the sidewalk. In fact, I think they're on year-round. I thought year-round Christmas lights were just a sign of laziness, but I guess I was wrong. They were trendy all along, and I didn't know it.
has my present to you arrived yet?
Yeah Dunkeyface, it got here a week ago. Pretty impressive! I mailed yours off, but don't hold your breath. Merry Christmas!
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